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10 tips for a fitter YOU

1. Regular physical activity promotes health, a sense of well-being, and healthy weight. Find ways to get active, stay active and become more active. It could be something as simple as putting in more housework, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking to a grocery store near you.
2. If you are new to exercise, it is best to see a fitness professional for proper guidance. If you are already working out, you should monitor your workout to ensure progress. You need to vary on intensity, frequency and duration to avoid plateau and maximise results.
3. Having exercise goals is extremely important. Make sure its practical, achievable and healthy. Your programme should be carefully planned to ensure that it is appropriate to meet your goal.
4. Find a workout which interests you, is appropriate for your fitness level and health condition and meets your goal. Start with mild intensity and gradually increase to match your fitness level.
5. You can exercise moderately for a minimum of 30 minutes a day to maintain your health and weight, and 45 to 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity to lose weight.

6. Enjoy your workout, don’t do it out of compulsion but your free will. It’s a lifetime commitment to benefit you. Also don’t seek immediate results. It will come slowly and with consistent effort. Please remember that any substantial change that you bring into your life will not come externally, it must come from within to last and result in success. Slipping up every now and then is also a process of progress, don’t give up on yourself and get right back into your routine.
7. Do not count your calories, instead feel it. If it feels good in your stomach (no aches, pain, bloating, discomfort), it is good for you.
8. Eat five small healthy meals throughout the day. Moderation is very important. Your choices could be healthy but you could still suffer indigestion if you over-stuff yourself.
9. Spread your water intake properly. Make sure you stay hydrated and know that by the time you feel thirsty you are already functioning through a dehydrated state. You can lose up to 40 percent of your strength in a
dehydrated state.
10. It is a scientific fact that our bodies are designed for activity. Lack of
activities will lead to deterioration, degeneration and create energy imbalance in the whole body.

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